Staff Member: Miss Nicole Londo
Miss Nicole Londo
Middle School Teacher - 6A
Phone: 330-688-6412
Email: Click Here to Email
Educational Background: Bachelor of Science in Middle-Level Education with a minor in Spanish and a certificate in Conflict Transformation and Social Entrepreneurship from the University of Akron
Favorite Saint: My favorite saint is St. Frances Xavier Cabrini because she is the patron saint of immigrants. She was an immigrant to the U.S. and organized education for other immigrants. My grandparents are immigrants from Slovakia, which is dear to my heart.
Hobbies: Reading, crocheting, and playing with my yorkie-poo, Nellie, and my cat, Earl.
Favorite Place Traveled to and Why: My favorite place to travel to is Oaxaca, Mexico. Before my senior year of high school, I participated in an exchange student program and was able to live with a local family for a month. Not only is it a beautiful place filled with a rich history, but it is also home to my second family.
Favorite School Subject and Why: My favorite subject in school has always been history. I love learning about the past and how society has evolved.
Describe Your Favorite Memory at Holy Family School: My favorite memory is bonding with the students and seeing more of their personalities at Camp Christopher.