School Policies- Attendance Policy


Academic progress demands daily, punctual attendance. In many cases, irregular attendance is the major reason for poor school performance. Therefore, absence from school is discouraged. Parents are urged to make doctors appointments and vacations outside of school hours. If a student needs to leave the building during the day, a parent/legal guardian must sign the student out. Students will not be released to persons under the age of 18 years. A written request must be sent to the principal for approval for unavoidable appointments.

Reasons for which absences may be excused include, but are not limited to: personal illness of the student, illness in the student's family, death in the family or quarantine for contagious disease. Whenever a child is going to be absent from school, parents should notify the school (330-688-6412 ext. 451) by 9:30am each day of the absence. Upon returning to school, parents must provide a signed, written note explaining the absence. If a child is absent more than 5 days consecutively, a written physician's excuse is required for each absence thereafter verifying the necessity of subsequent absences.

A child missing more than 12 days during the school year is in academic jeopardy. A meeting of parents, teachers and principal may be required to determine the action to be taken for excessive absenteeism. It is understood that the child and parents are responsible for making up any missed work assignments. Students who are absent from school for reasons not permitted by State Law may or may not be permitted to make up work. Each case will be considered on its merits by the principal and the respective teacher.

Students who are taken out of school for trips or vacations will not be given permission to do so by the school. The responsibility for this will rest with the parents. Teachers will not be expected to re-teach missed academic work. Homework and class work assignments will not be provided before or during an absence whether excused or unexcused (i.e., suspensions, vacations, illness) Students may make up work upon return to school. If a student is denied the opportunity to make up the missed work due to an unexcused absence, the student will not be penalized for the missed assignments.

Students who arrive at school after 10:15am will be marked as 1/2 day absent. If students leave school before 10:15am, they will be marked absent for full day. If students leave school before 1:00pm or are absent for two (2) hours or more during the school day, they are considered 1/2 day absent.

Truancy (absenteeism & tardiness) can not be tolerated. Parents have the responsibility to ensure that their children attend school. If excessive truancy continues to exist, the student and parents may be reported to Juvenile Authorities.

Our school day begins promptly at 8:30am. Students are considered tardy after 8:25am. Students must report to the office for a tardy slip to present to the teacher. Bus riders will not be considered tardy. Excessive tardiness includes students who arrive, and are not seated, by the 8:25am bell more than 3 times per quarter. Students who are considered “excessively tardy” will lose lunch recess privileges or may be subject to other disciplinary actions. Truancy includes excessive tardiness and will be dealt with accordingly. Students leaving school before 3:00pm are considered tardy. Early departures should be kept to a minimum.

Pupils shall not assemble on or about the premises of the school before 8:00 AM except by permission of the principal. At 8:00am students may enter the building and assemble in the school cafeterial is until the 8:10am bell rings. Before-and-After School Care is available for families who need to leave students at school before 8:00am. For more information, please contact the school.


Attendance Policy

Aids Policy

Bully Policy

Care of Students with Diabetes

Custody Policy

Computer/ Technology

Acceptable Use Policy

Homework Policy

Health Services/ Medication Policy

Sacramental Policies

Dress Code and Grooming Policy

Weapons Policy

Search and Seizure

