Staff Member: Katie Ryan

Staff Member: Katie Ryan

Katie Ryan

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Educational Background: Diploma in Practical Nursing from Bohecker College

Favorite Saint: St. Therese holds a special place in my heart. When I was 10, my family and I were out of town. We went to the Catholic church in the area, and after mass, we looked at all of the beautiful statues. One of the statues was St. Therese. My dad told me a story about how she is "the little flower," and we prayed to her. On our way out of the church, a single white rose was on the steps where we were walking. My dad picked it up and gave it to me. It was such a special moment! When I was confirmed, I chose the name Therese because of her!

Hobbies: I love hiking, rescuing Golden Retrieers, and reading a good book

Favorite Place Traveled To: My favorite place is Curacao! My husband and I traveled there for our honeymoon. It was so beautiful, and the locals were terrific! It was great learning about the culture, food, and entertainment. The water surrounding the island is the perfect turquoise color, making the sunrises and sunsets even more amazing!

Favorite School Subject: Science, that’s why I became a nurse

Describe Your Favorite Memory at Holy Family School: Meeting one of the kindergarten classes! I told the students they could call me "Nurse Katie," and one boy said, "Well, actually, you can call me Mr. Kindergarten!"

Photo of Katie Ryan